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Outing: Pink Moon Hike

  • State Highway 42 and CTC Blvd Louisville, CO 80027 (map)

April’s full “pink” moon is on 4/12. Image by Todd Petit / flickr. Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

April’s full moon is called the pink moon, apparently on account of its proximity to Easter. Join Casey Lyons, Friends of Coal Creek’s founder and director, for a guided stroll beneath its glow.

We’ll gather at Aquarius Open Space and amble the Coal Creek Path north toward Lafayette before returning by the same route.

This hike offers a challenge to the senses. When the light is low, what will you hear? How does our sense of perception change when our most important sensing organs (our eyes) are deemphasized? Dress for the conditions and expect to cover 1.5-2 miles of sometimes uneven ground in the gathering darkness.

*We probably wouldn’t have named it that, as earth worms are a non-native species in this area. Historically, beetles, fungi and bacteria were the decomposers and detritivores of the Plains.

April 9

Teasel Tussle r. 1, Lafayette

April 13

Outing: Sunday with the Beavs