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Outing: Sunday with the Beavs

  • Flagg Park 12512 Flagg Drive Lafayette, CO, 80026 United States (map)

The main dam of the Coal Creek beaver complex. Image by Jeff Goldberg

Spring is on and the streams are starting to flow with seasonal runoff.

Join us for a walk along Coal Creek in Lafayette. We’ll search for new signs along the beaver complex, scan the creek for waterfowl, and look to the grasslands, cottonwoods and skies for other interesting species of birds. Bird species we might encounter: Swainson’s and red-tail hawks, bald eagles, great blue herons (many of them), mountain bluebirds, kingfishers, Western meadowlarks and perhaps a Merganser duck or two.

Led by famous local birder Art Reisman and Friends of Coal Creek founder and director Casey Lyons, this outing guarantees some interesting local wildlife and more than a little local color. No birding experience necessary. Expect moderate walking a gravel path with a roundtrip distance of 2-2.5 miles.

Limited to 15 people. Suggested donation: $20

April 12

Outing: Pink Moon Hike

April 16

Teasel Tussle r. 2, Lafayette