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Outing: The Birds and the Beavs

  • Flagg Park 12512 Flagg Drive Lafayette, CO, 80026 United States (map)

Scenes from the Coal Creek great blue heron rookery. Image by Jeff Goldberg

Springs on, the thermals are rising and the streams are starting to flow with seasonal runoff.

Bring your binoculars! We’ll spend time looking among the air currents and cottonwoods for Swainson’s and red-tail hawks, bald eagles and a great blue heron rookery. We’ll scan the grasslands for mountain bluebirds and Western meadowlarks, and we’ll look low for a couple species of ducks and evidence of Coal Creek’’s resident beaver family.

Led by famous local birder Art Reisman and Friends of Coal Creek founder and director Casey Lyons, this outing guarantees some interesting local wildlife and more than a little local color. No birding experience necessary. Expect moderate walking along a gravel path with a roundtrip distance of 2-2.5 miles.

Limited to 15 people. Suggested donation: $20

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