City Nature Challenge 2022
Looking for a reason to spend some time outdoors? Want to help scientists understand the world as it changes? City Nature Challenge, from April 29-May 2, 2022, is right up your alley.
City Nature Challenge is a worldwide movement to motivate folks outdoors and gather up observations to help scientists better our understanding of migration patterns and timing, the emerging effects of scorched earth syndrome, as well as understand the population trends among wildlife. The best part? It’s easy to get involved. And this guide will make it even easier.
Get going with iNaturalist
iNaturalist is a free, user-friendly smartphone app that records wildlife observations. All you need is a smartphone and you’re ready to record. Download the ios version here and the Android version here.
1. Within the app, click on Projects.
2. Search for City Nature Challenge 2022 Denver-Boulder Metro
. Then click on the project.
3. Click Join and you’re all set!
Familiarize yourself with the rules for City Nature Challenge contained within the About tab. After that, click Observe in the app, aim your camera at the plant or animal you see, and take a picture, you citizen scientist.
Confused? Here is last year’s City Nature Challenge training by Steve Roels of Lousville Open Space Division, which goes deep on all of iNaturalists’s features and offers a lot of great photography of local wildlife.
What are we observing?
Any plant, animal, insect or fungus is fair game, but don’t submit images of potted plants, pets, or people. We’re interested in the things that are growing naturally, which is to say, nature. Anywhere within Boulder County is in play, but please respect private property.
Public Events
This would be fun to do together! Friends of Coal Creek is sponsoring four local outings in Lafayette and Louisville. The outings are free, but we are capping participation at 15-20 people each to go easy on the land and the local wildlife. Click below on the hike you like to register.
1. City Nature Challenge 2022: Coal Creek Connections (English & Spanish)
Saturday April 30, 9:30-11:30a
Flagg Park, Lafayette, Colorado
This hike is free but limited to 15
Coal Creek supports all manner of creatures and plant life on the plains in East Lafayette. Join naturalist Dave Sutherland at Flagg Park to explore how land, animals, and plants come together to form a community -- and understand how people fit in too! Everything we report becomes species data that scientists can use to understand migration patterns, the effects of climate change, and blooming periods. Bring your camera or smartphone with the iNaturalist app loaded and ready to go.
City Nature Challenge: Coal Creek Conexiones
Sábado 30 de Abril, 9:30-11:30a
Flagg Park, Lafayette, Colorado
Esta caminata exploratoria es gratis pero con un límite de 15 personas
El grupo de amigos y vecinos de Coal Creek ayuda a todo tipo de criaturas y vida vegetal en las llanuras del Este de Lafayette. Por favor únase al naturalista Dave Sutherland en el Flagg Park para explorar como la tierra, los animales y las plantas se unen para formar una comunidad y al mismo tiempo entender como la gente es parte de esto también! Todo lo que vamos a encontrar en esta exploración, se convertirá en datos acerca de las especies, científicos podrán utilizar esta información para entender los patrones de inmigración de las especies, los efectos del cambio climático y los periodos de floración. Por favor traiga su camera o su smartphone con la aplicación iNaturalist ya cargada y lista para usarla.
2. City Nature Challenge 2022: All-Levels Birding
Saturday, April 30, 1-3p
Flagg Park, Lafayette
This hike is free but limited to 20
Join Art Reisman and the Lafayette Bird Watching Meetup Group on an early afternoon outing to Flagg Park in Lafayette. It is nearing peak migration for songbirds making for ideal birding conditions, especially if its a warm, calm day. Bring your camera or smartphone with the iNaturalists app loaded and ready to go. Binoculars if you have them. These hikes are popular! Reserve your spot at Lafayette Bird Watching Meetup
3. City Nature Challenge 2022: Family-Friendly Nature Hike
Sunday, May 1, 9:30-11a
Public Road Trailhead, Lafayette
This hike is free but limited to 15
Join Casey Lyons from Friends of Coal Creek for a mellow, kid-friendly outing along Coal Creek. There is an area 100 yards from the parking lot that is off the main bike trail and has access to the water. Let’s join our kids to explore our local nature. Bring your camera or smartphone with the iNaturalist app loaded and ready to go. All ages welcome.