Improve your home habitat with 30 native plants and 3 design options from Eryn Murphy at Restorative Landscape Design. We are offering 20 kits for pre-sale or in-person at our Mother’s Day Plant Sale on May 13.

Suggested donation: $175


Turn your home garden into a refuge for native species of bees, butterflies and birds. Our first planting kit combines 30 native plants that bloom from spring to fall to provide year-round beauty and support for our local pollinators.

  • Native plants are low-water, low-maintenance, drought-tolerant and many of our selections spread generously over time to improve the quality of your home habitat.

  • Three professional design options bring the plants’ all-season beauty to the forefront and make the kit adaptable to your space.

  • Our kits include 30 native plants in 4” nursery pots, are designed for full prairie sun (6+ hours of daily sun) and are not fussy about soil conditions.

How it works: We are currently taking pre-sale orders. When you click Buy Now, you will be redirected to our campaign on Fundraise Up, our fundraising platform. Click one-time donation and enter the amount that feels right to you (suggested donation: $225). That will give us everything we need to complete your order and we will send you a confirmation. Pickup is on May 13 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at JAX Farm & Ranch in Lafayette. Questions?



All plants are from Harlequin’s Gardens in Boulder, an organic, pesticide-free nursery specializing in locally adapted plants.


3 Pineleaf Penstemon
(Penstemon pinifolius)
Orange; late-spring to summer
Attracts pollinators and hummingbirds

3 Dotted Blazing Star
(Liatris punctata)
Purple; late summer to fall
Seeds are good forage for birds in winter

3 Dwarf Goldenrod
(Solidago nana)
Yellow; summer
Bee magnet

Image: pineleaf penstemon by jacki-dee / flickr; licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


3 Little Bluestem
(Schizachyrium scoparium)
Red; fall/winter interest
Hosts butterflies like common wood nymph and crossline skipper

3 Blue Grama
(Bouteloua gracilis)
Blue-green; late spring to mid-summer
Hosts skipper butterflies

Image: blue grama grass. by lostinfog / flickr; licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


3 Rocky Mountain Penstemon
(Penstemon strictus)
Purple; late-spring
Hosts penstemon hidasa skipper butterfly

3 Yellow Prairie Coneflower
(Ratibida columnifera)
Yellow; late spring to late summer
Hosts butterflies like silvery checkerspot and bordered patch

3 Blanketflower
(Gaillardia aristata)
Red & yellow; late spring to late summer
Attracts bees, butterflies and birds

3 Blue Flax
(Linum lewisii)
Blue; late spring to mid summer
Foliage is food for butterfly larvae

Image: Rocky Mountain penstemon by Andrey Zharkikh / flickr; licensed under CC BY 2.0


3 Dwarf Rabbitbrush
(Chrysothamnus depressus)
Yellow; summer to fall
Provides cover and nesting for birds

Image: Dwarf rabbitbrush by Patrick Alexander / flickr; public domain

Garden Designs