Free Native Seeds!
We will be giving out free native seeds at the City of Lafayette’s Earth Day Everyday event on April 30, and at the Lafayette Public Library.

Behold a Better Burning Bush
Season for season, Western sand cherry far outshines the burning bush.

Can Graywater Re-Wet the West?
Kiddo bathwater might be the biggest untapped resource in the West.

Garden Shade the Colorado Way
Use creeping Oregon grape in the shady parts of your Colorado garden.

Coyotes are Kings of the Coal Creek Food Chain
Stay safe while learning to love the coyotes of Coal Creek.

Wax Flower is the Native Hydrangea Substitute You’ve Been Looking For
Plant waxflower instead of hydrangea to support native pollinators.

Switch Your First Flowers from Crocus to American Pasqueflower
Use American pasqueflower instead of crocus to put out the early-season feast for native pollinators.

Celebrate the Season at our Spring Social on May 5!
Join the Friends of Coal Creek for an evening of community and acoustic folk music by Kevin Slick and Keith Murdock as we celebrate a new season on the creek.

Native Habitat, and How to Build It
What you can do right now to support your native garden and the pollinators that depend on it.

How to Fix the Biodiversity Crisis Right Where you Live
Join the trowel revolution this spring!

See What a Red-Tail Hawk Sees
A selection of aerial photography from high above Coal Creek in Lafayette, Louisville, and the base of Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado.

Follow Me to See the Coal Creek You’ve Been Missing
Jeff Goldberg is our photographer in residence. He has traveled the world photographing landscapes and wildlife and now he turns his attention to our urban waterway. Follow his work for a side of Coal Creek that you’ve never seen.

Why Not Do Away with New Natural Gas Hookups in Lafayette?
Banning natural gas hookups in new residential constructions is the lowest hanging fruit of a clean-energy future.

Be Our First Photographer-in-Residence
Apply now to be Friends of Coal Creek’s winter 2022 photographer-in-residence. Applications are due by January 28, 2022.

10 Native Plants for a Fire-Defensible Home
Consider these 10 native plants when planning a fire-defensible home landscape.

In the Aftermath of the Marshall Fire
How do we live in the wake of the Marshall Fire that destroyed 1,084 homes in Louisville and Superior, Colorado?
Tickled Mink
Our wildlife cam spotted this American mink, which has the right blend of savvy, intelligence and cuteness to make it the a perfect mascot for the Rock Creek urban waterway.