Want to intern for us this summer?
2024 Summer Intern Quin auguring holes in Superior.
Friends of Coal Creek is seeking a summer intern for 2025. Interns ride shotgun in a restoration start-up, working closely with the executive director and gaining access to top-level decision making, business management and program development.
We are seeking interns with an interest in the environment, flexibility in a variety of roles and tasks, and the ability to work independently. Interns will be trained.
The internship may include tasks like:
Accompanying the Executive Director to business- and project development meetings
Planting, watering and weeding native plants
Volunteer leadership
Garden assessment
GIS mapping/database
Public engagement at events
Reviewing grants
Other tasks as arise
The desire to make meaningful change locally
The ability to participate in physical outdoor work during summer
Work 12 hours/week with flexible start/end dates
Able to receive credit for the internship; this is an unpaid position.
To apply: Send a letter of intent and a resume to casey@friendsofcoalcreek.org